Science Fair 2017-2018
Alhamdulillah this year's MCJHS Science Fair was organized on January 9th for grades KG to 4, and on January 10th for grades 5 to 8. All students participated and produced very creative projects with wonderful experiments and tons of research. Students referenced their projects to Quran and Hadith, and proudly upheld this year's Science Fair motto, "Allah is the one and only master of all creatures, who nurtures, sustains, and helps grow each and everything, from the tiniest cell to the biggest of Creation" (Quran). Each student was judged by three judges based on their oral presentation/demonstration, explanation, responsiveness, clarity, research, and poster display. The judges were amazed by students' performances and extensive research, and were well challenged in selecting finalists. We thank all the judges for giving us their valuable time to make our Science Fair a successful one. We thank our teachers, parents, and all our students for all their support, cooperation, and effort to make this event well organized and successful.
Congratulations to all Participants. Below is the full list of 2017-2018 Science Fair Award Winners.
8th Grade
1st place: Omar Rafiqi
2nd place: Varisha Hussain
3rd place: Humaira Manjra
7th Grade
1st place: Areeba Tanwir
2nd place: Zohaib Khan
3rd place: Taha Kareem
6th Grade
1st place: Aamir Khan & Eshaal Ubaid
2nd place: Nabeeha Jahir
3rd place: Ahmed Housein
5th Grade
1st place: Sumaya Nasher
2nd place: Nadia Rafiqi
3rd place: Nimra Shahab
4th Grade
1st place: Sania Ahmed
2nd place: Hajrah Khalil
3rd place: Khadeejah Khan
3rd Grade
1st place: Ayesha Siddiqua
2nd place: Jana Elkassaby
3rd place: Ariana Mahmud
2nd Grade
1st place: Eman Nasher
2nd place: Kousar Jabbar
3rd place: Kareem Lakhani